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Technical Chronologies

Technical Chronologies

A service for the construction industry created in response to requests from solicitors and contracts managers for evidence on technical issues associated with disputes.

A Technical Chronology establishes

  • a chronology of events
  • the commissioning of work, the contracts covering the work and its delivery.
  • the completeness of the data set of relevance to a dispute
  • the context of the various technical issues involved


A Technical Chronology enables                                                                    Technical Chronologies

  • the specialization of an Expert to be identified
  • the role of that Expert to be more clearly defined,
  • the Experts to be provided at the start of their work with a distillation of the technical files and their technical content
  • provides a document from which all parties should be able to work.


A technical chronology is compiled by sifting the raw data for the case. Qualified scientists and engineers are used for this task.

To learn more Tel. 0207 736 6889 Email: office (at)

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