First Steps Educational Tools
First Steps is now developing educational tools for use by those in ground engineering.
Products available to date include:
Guidance on your application for CGeol which takes you through the thinking and attitude expected at Chartered level and the type of evidence expected to demonstrate your competence in the key factors that are used to judge your fitness for chartership. User friendly, explains what is meant by the written guidance and endorsed by the Geological Society of London.
A course to help you prepare for C.Geol has been put together by Dr Michael de Freitas CGeol, for more information please click here (please scroll for it to the bottom of the opening page).
Ground models is a series of interactive exercises of differing grades of severity which test your ability to interrogate the ground and define for it a conceptual model that can be verified by further investigation and used as a basis for design and construction. Three grades of exercise are now available via the Institution of Civil Engineers.All exercises have been endorsed by the Geological Society of London and their completion contributes to satisfying CPD requirements.
Statistical tools for ground engineers was derived from an earlier work suitable for medics (The medical stats decision tree because the statistical methods used for discriminating the types of data being handled and the statistical tools for handling it are generic to the type of data used and the problem to be solved using it. The statistical methods are not affected by the discipline; it doesn’t matter whether the data is for the incidence of chickenpox or landslides. User friendly and very appropriate in a discipline where data can be either scarce or overabundant, and engineers need a guiding light.